Competency Profile 

[Employee Development]


Use this page to perform a competency assessment of an employee. Select the the competency element from the structure navigator andenter the assessment information to the right.

Competency Structure Navigator pane:

This pane lists all the competencies that are defined for your company. If you click My Job Requirements, only the competencies required for your job are displayed. 

By placing the pointer on a competency or competency group label, you can view a description of the competency or competency group

Clicking on a competency will copy it over to the assessment section.

Employee Competency Assessment pane:

In this pane, you perform the competency assessment. For each competency, enter the level and the period for which the competency is valid.

Click on Copy My Job Requirements to copy all the competencies defined for your job requirement. This feature is most useful the first time that you perform the assessment.Link 

The Actions menu contains the following items:

Delete - This action will delete the competency assigned to the employee.

Activity Diagrams

Perform Employee Self Assessment