Delete Document Revision


Use this activity to delete a document revision. All connections to the document revision are also deleted. General data about the revision is displayed in the Document Revisions window. Detailed data is displayed in the Document Revision/General tab.


System Effects


Document Revision, Document Revisions
Project Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Document Revison
Document Revisions
Project Navigator
Project Navigator/Project Documents


Use one of the following procedures to delete a document revision.

  1. Open the Document Revision window or the Document Revisions window and query for a document revision that has a status of Obsolete.
  2. Right-click, point to File Operations and click Delete Document Revision. (In the Document Revisions window, first select the row).
  3. Click OK to confirm deletion.

To manually delete the document revision:

  1. Open the Document Revision window and query for any document revision.
  2. Manually remove all document connections, such as objects, document structure, approval processes, and so on.
  3. Delete the document file by right-clicking, pointing to File Operations and clicking Delete Document File.
  4. If a comment file exist, remove it by clicking Delete Comment File.
  5. Change the document status to Obsolete by right-clicking, and clicking Set Obsolete.
  6. Click Delete Document Revision to delete the document revision.