Applicant / Applied Requisitions

[About Applicant Information] [Recruitment]


This window is used to register more information about the applicants such as company to which the applications are submitted, expected salary, applicant source etc. It is also possible to connect an applicant to a job opportunity or a requisition and also to nominate an applicant as a candidate for a requisition.

It is also possible to handle what we call unsolicited applicants for which you do not need to have a predefined requisition connected to a job. That is, when you enter necessary data for the applicant, the requisition is created automatically with a unique requisition identity. In the same way you can nominate an applicant as a candidate for a requisition. The created requisition identity is composed of the first letter of first name, first letter of last name and the personal requisition number. This way of handling applicant is very useful if the company really wants to employ a person but do not have a specified need in the organization at the time.

The window contains 3 sections where section 2 and 3 are two different tables that are separated by a splitter.

Note: You cannot change any registered information in the tab windows if the status field is set to Appointed or Employed.

The following options are available via the Operations menu or the right mouse button:

Note: The system provides a number of document templates for different activities such as Invitation for Selection Process, Job Candidate Appointment letter and Job Declining Candidate letter. You can of course change the provided templates or create your own document templates and add them using the overview Document window.

Activity Diagrams

Receive Application Letter