Part Revisions per Manufacturer Part Number

[About Part Manufacturers] [To Design Standard Product]


Use this window to link manufacturers' parts and your company's part revisions. You can link multiple manufacturer part numbers to one part revision, and one manufacturer part number can be linked to multiple part revisions.

Before you can enter a link to a manufacturer part, you must:

For each company part number, you can select one of the manufacturer part numbers as the preferred part to use. Note that the manufacturer part must be approved before you can select it as the preferred manufacturer part. When you change the approval status of a manufacturer part, a history of that event is maintained. You can view part's history in the Manufacturer Part Numbers History window.

From this window, you can open the Engineering Part Revision, Part Manufacturers, and Manufacturer Part Numbers windows, by right-clicking and then clicking on the appropriate right mouse button option.

Note: Unless you have explicitly changed the window properties for the windows, only the Part Revisions per Manufacturer Part Number window contains all fields listed below.

Activity Diagrams

Create Part Revision
Release Part Revision


Link Part Revision and Manufacturer Part