Function Structure Navigator/Parts

[About Function Parts ] [To Design Standard Product]


Use this window to connect parts to functions, or to view part information. You cannot modify an existing part using this form.

The engineering function structure is a conceptual level of product construction. Functions can be arranged in a structure. Each function on the bottom level can also have parts and the corresponding part structures attached.  The purpose is to organize the product structure so that it is familiar to multiple disciplines and to help with the construction of a product without having to immediately decide all its properties. 
A function is the intended use of connected part(s). One part can be connected to more than one function, i.e., it can have several functions in the product structure.

If the Parts node is selected in the navigator and there is no Parts node for a function, right-click and select Add, then Parts to add a Parts node. On the root node this form will list all parts connected to the selected product and model. The form will the be read only.

Activity Diagrams

Design Product Structure
Release Part Revision

