Engineering Part Revision

[About Part Revisions] [To Design Standard Product]


Use this window and its tabs to view all information related to a part revision. All transferred part revisions appear in the Part Number list in the window header. You can use the list to switch between part revisions. You can also switch to other windows from the tabs in this window as well as transfer selected part(s) to another instance of this window. All revisions can have documents attached, which can be accessed by clicking Connected Objects (the paperclip icon) on the toolbar.

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Revision, Additional, Consists Of, Where Used, Multilevel, Journal, Development Status, Engineering Part, Spare Parts, Char. Snapshot, Alternate Part Revisions, Approval Process, Document Req., and Manu. Part Revision.

Activity Diagrams

Create Part Revision
Release Part Revision


Fulfill Document Requirement
Activate Product Structure
Release Part Revision
Set Part Revision Obsolete
Print Part List Report
Print Product Structure/Single Level Report
Print Product Structure/Multi Level Report
Print Product Structure/Difference Report
Print Product Journal Report
Print Technical Specification Report
Print Historical Document Survey Report
Create New Revision
Copy Structure/Document Survey/Technical Specification
Replace Part/Revision
Set Develop Level
Roll Up Cost Calculation
Update Cost and Lead time from Inventory
View Product Structure Graphically
Manufacturing Standards /Product Structure
Engineering Revision Transfer Action