Set Planned Start and Finish Date


This activity is used to set the planned start date for the work order. You can also enter the finish date for a work order, if appropriate. Also the execution time (planned hours) can be entered, i.e., the number of hours within the date interval.  


Before the information is entered, the work order must have been retrieved in the window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the planned start and finish dates are entered.

If IFS/Vehicle Information Management is used, the planned start and planned finish dates on the corresponding maintenance order will be updated with the planned start and finish dates you entered on the top work order in the structure. If these cause the planned dates on the maintenance order to fall outside the defined required date interval, the Planned Duration of Order Exceeds Required Date Interval check box on the maintenance order will be selected.


Prepare Work Order
Work Order Execution Logic

Related Window Descriptions

Prepare Work Order
Work Order Execution Logic
Work Order Execution Logic/General  


Use the following procedure to enter the information:

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window and click the Prepare tab or open the Work Order Execution Logic window and click the General tab.
  2. In the Planned Start field, enter a planned start date for a work order.
  3. In the Planned Finish field, enter a planned finish date for a work order, if appropriate. The completion date can also be entered when the work information has been reported in.
  4. In the Execution Time field, enter the number of hours the work is expected to require, if appropriate.
  5. Save the information.