Set Operations to follow the Work Order Status


This activity is used to define whether the status of all operations on a work order should follow the work order status or or not.

If the Operations follow Work Order Status check box is selected, when the status of the work order is changed, the status of the operation will be changed automatically to reflect the status of the work order. If this check box is not selected, you can use the Operation Status feature to set the status of each operation on the work order. An exception is when a work order is being set to the Released status, which will then automatically release all connected operations regardless of whether the Operations follow Work Order Status check box is selected or not.

If the work order on which you are performing this activity belongs to a work order structure, the value you set here will be spread to all work orders below in the structure.

Note that when operations are to follow work order statuses, the system will first perform necessary validations to ensure that all conditions for changing the operation status have been met before the status change takes place. An example of a condition to validate is that it should not be possible to complete a work order having operations that are in status On Hold. Also note that operations do not follow the work order status backwards. For instance, if a work order is moved back to the Released status from Started, the status of the belonging operations will not be changed.

For work orders distributed from IFS/Vehicle Information Management, the Operations follow Work Order Status check box will not be selected by default.


To perform this activity, a work order must exist. This work order should not be in the Released status or a higher status.

System Effects

If the check box is selected, the correct status for the operation is set automatically based on the status of the work order. See the following table:

Status change on Work Order Operation Status
Released Released
Started Started
Work Done Work Done (if multiple sign off steps exist) or Finished (except for canceled operations)
Reported Finished (except for canceled operations)
Finished Finished (except for canceled operations)
Canceled Canceled

If the check box is not selected, the status of the operation should be set manually using the Operation Status feature.

An exception is when setting a work order to the Released status, which will then automatically release all connected operations regardless of the setting in this activity.


Prepare Work Order
Report In Work Order

Related Window Descriptions

Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/Prepare  
Report In Work Order
Report In Work Order/Report In


  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the necessary work order.
  3. Click the Prepare tab.
  4. Right-click and click Set Operations follow Work Order Status.
  5. Observe that the Operations follow Work Order Status check box is selected. If the check box was selected prior to this activity, it will be cleared.

Note: You can also set operations to follow work order status in the Report In Work Order/Report In tab.