Release Pick List


This activity is used to release a pick list. Releasing a pick list is a confirmation step that must be performed before it can be printed or used for picking.


To perform this activity, the pick list must be created.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the pick list is set to the Released status.


Prepare Work Order
Active Work Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/Materials
Active Work Orders
Pick List


To release a pick list for a single work order:

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window and query for the relevant record (F3).
  2. Click the Materials tab and select the relevant material requisition.
  3. Right-click and click View Pick List. The Pick Lists window is opened.
  4. Select the relevant row, right-click and click Release.

This activity can also be performed in the Pick List window.