Reject Work Order


This activity is used to reject a work order. This is done when you are not able to finish the work, for instance, due to the lack of equipment or approval documentation.


System Effects


The mobile device on which IFS Mobile Work Order is installed.

Related Window Descriptions

Refer the help for IFS Mobile Work Order on your device.


  1. On the Home Screen, tap Work Orders.
  2. Tap on the the work order you wish to reject and then tap Reject. If the work order is on route or started, tap Suspend and change the type from Suspend to Abort (and return).
  3. From the values available in the spin list for the Reason field, select the reason for rejecting the work order.
  4. Optionally, enter a note.
  5. Tap Save.

    Note: If you have set up a work order survey to appear at this stage of the work flow, the survey will be opened. Respond to the survey and click Save.