Clock Out of an Operation


This activity is used to clock out of an operation on the work order. When the Clock In/Clock Out feature is used, time reporting on an operation is done automatically.

When you clock out of an operation, the effective hours between clock in and clock out will be calculated and transferred as a time report line to the work order (in the Time Report tab). If a time report line already exists for your employee ID for that day, the work hours spent per clocking will be added to the current value in the Hours field.

Note: If you have clocked in to multiple operations at the same time, you will be clocked out from all these operations when clocking out.


To perform this activity, you must be clocked in to the operation.

System Effects


Work Order Operation List

Related Window Descriptions

Work Order Operation List


  1. Open the Work Order Operation List window.
  2. Select the Show Only Clocked In Operations check box.
  3. Locate the necessary operation line.
  4. Click the Clock Out button found on the button bar or right-click on the operation line and then click Clock Out.
  5. The Clock Out dialog box opens.
  6. In the Stop Time field, enter the time to clock out, if it is different from the system date.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Observe the clocking data in the Clockings tab.