Work Order Operation Status


Work order operations list the work that is to be performed on a particular work order. If the work order is PM-generated, all planned operations are copied from the PM action to the work order. If a standard job is specified on the work order, the entire operation planning is copied from the standard job to the work order. For work orders from IFS/Vehicle Information Management (IFS/VIM), all instructions or subtasks are transferred as operations on the work order once the maintenance order is released.

Work Order Operation Status

It is possible to monitor the work in progress using the existing status system. These statuses are in direct relationship to the work order status machine. The integration and restrictions on work order and work order operation status changes is described in detail further on.

Due to the nature of heavy maintenance visits numerous Engineers and Technicians will be involved with performance and recording of work. Often the Floor Manager has limited or no capability to determine the current progress and status of all the work being performed. The ability to set the status of an operation or subtask on a work order provides greater control over the progress of contents of a work scope. This will enable planners to reasonably accurately determine the completion of work. The planner will also have the ability to view all operations that have been put on hold and the reasons for doing so.

Following is a graphical view of the status system for operations and subtasks on a work order:

A description of each operation status follows:

Work Order Integration

Operation Follows Work Order Status

It is possible to perform the process for preparing or reporting in a work order without having to manually change operation statuses. This can be done using the Operations Follow Work Order Status feature. When this feature is selected, the status of operations and subtasks are changed automatically according to the status on the work order. Note that operations do not follow the work order status backwards. For instance, if a work order is moved back to the Released status from Started, the status of the belonging operations will not be changed.

When the Operations Follow Work Order Status check box is selected on the work order, all operations and subtasks on the work order will follow the work order status as shown in the table below:

Status Change on Work Order Operation Status
Released Released
Started Started
Work Done Work Done (if multiple sign off steps exist) or Finished (except for canceled operations)
Reported Finished (except for canceled operations)
Finished Finished (except for canceled operations)
Canceled Canceled

The system will validate each status change that automatically takes place on the operation. All requirements must be met before the status of the operation can be changed irrespective of the value of the Operations Follow Work Order Status check box. For example, it should not be possible to complete a work order having operations that are on hold. When there is a need to reschedule an operation within the same work order for instance due to lack of resources it is possible to set the operation on hold by using the Set Operation On Hold option. The On Hold check box will be selected for the operation line. When the operation is ready to resume you can release the operation from on hold by using the Release from On Hold option.

It is also possible to define the Operations follow Work Order Status feature per site. When this is selected, the status of all operations for work orders on the given site will be changed automatically to reflect the status of the work order. 

Operation Does Not Follow Work Order Status

When the Operations Follow Work Order Status option is not selected on the work order, you should manually change the status of the operation or subtask. Note however that the changes done on the work order have an impact on the work order operations.

Observe the following relationships between status changes on a work order and work order operation:

  1. The work order must have been released before operations and subtasks on the work order can be released.
  2. When the first operation on the work order is set to the Started status, the status of the work order is automatically changed to Started, if the work order is not already in this status.
  3. To set the status of a work order to Work Done, all operations and subtasks on the work order must be in either the Work Done, Finished or Canceled status.
  4. To finish a work order, all operations and subtasks on the work order must be in either the Finished or Canceled status.
  5. It is not possible to cancel a work order when there exists operations or subtasks on the work order in the Started, Work Done or Finished statuses or where there exists operations or subtasks that are on hold. If there are operations in the Released or New status that are on hold, these operations will be released from on hold and cancelled when cancelling the work order.

By default, the Operations Follow Work Order Status check box will not be selected for work orders from IFS/VIM.