Equipment Object Cost/Revenue Analysis

[About Object Cost/Revenue Analysis] [To Follow-up and Analysis, Maintenance]


Use this window to view the costs and revenues that were incurred during the life of a particular equipment object. The costs and revenues displayed are work order and project related.

In order to view the information, you need to first define a search criteria. You can define the search criteria as a default setting in either IFS/Application Services or in the Object Properties dialog box of this window. Once the search criteria is defined, query for an equipment object to view the related costs and revenues. The cost and revenues are displayed in a tabular format with the numerical values as well as in graphs. These graphs represents an analysis of the cost/revenue breakdown with respect to different cost types. Further the user can analyze the information for a particular object or for its underlying structure.

Once the window is populated with the relevant results, select a cost type, right-click, point to Transactions for Object and click Work Order or Customer Order Line to view the transaction done for the equipment object for the selected cost type and given time period.

Activity Diagrams

Perform Object Analysis


Define Search Criteria