Resource Monitoring Gantt

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Use this this window it is first of all to get an overview of the availability of one or several Employees or Tools/Facilities in terms of their schedules and their allocations.
However not only is it possible to monitor the availability of Employees and Tools/Facilities but it is also possible to monitor the progress of their assignments i.e. their allocations.

The user can adjust the appearance of the Gantt chart and the information shown, by using the settings in the header of the window (see below), expanding or collapsing timescale of the Gantt Chart, or through various options available from the Settings tab available from the Search button.

The Gantt window has these graphical features:

Allocations are represented by bars,

Allocations with Symbols,

Display Period: Display period informs the user about the selected date range and resource type currently displayed in the Resource Monitoring Gantt.

Highlight Options: In order to make it easier to identify the allocations that important to monitor it is possible in the Resource Monitoring Gantt to Highlight different allocations depending on their attributes. Furthermore to make it even easier to detect important allocations to Monitor there is also a possibility to Filter out allocations that are not of any interest to the user (again based on its attributes). Finally it is also possible to label the allocation with a Description of any its attributes which makes it easier to identify.

As an example user may choose to Highlight all allocations which are "Priority" = 1 and Filter all allocations not belonging to Work Orders raised by "Customer ID" = 1000 and display "Work Order Directive" in the Description.
The result of this selection would be that only allocations to Work Orders raised by "Customer ID" = 1000 would be visible, a small subset of the allocations with "Priority" = 1 would be highlighted and all allocations would be displaying the "Work Order Directive" on top of the allocation bar.

Show Warnings: Indicates whether In Jeopardy Warnings and Exceptions should be visible or not in the Resource Monitoring Gantt.

Show Remarks: Indicates whether Transferred respectively the Downloaded Remarks should be visible or not in the Resource Monitoring Gantt for Work Orders and Operations.

Show Legend: This button opens a Legend with information about and explanations for symbols, summary bars and schedules and so on.

Auto Refresh Options: In the auto refresh options it is possible to determine whether the auto refresh is switched on or of and also the refresh interval. The Colored button is normally green once the refresh is running. Just before a new refresh is about to happen the  button turns red to forewarn the user that an update is about to happen so that he/she doesnt try to reallocate for instance a Work Order allocation during a refresh. Finally there is also a button to carry out a manual refresh in the window.

Time Scale: This setting makes it possible for the user to swap between different levels of details in the time scale. User can choose between hours, days and weeks.

Graph Area: This displays the resources and their allocations based on your search. Allocations are represented by bars.

Allocations associated with Projects, Trainings and Absences are represented as a grey bar with a label on it to indicate the type of the allocation.
The appearance of the Gantt chart and the information shown can be adjusted by;

Reallocation: It is possible to right-click on an allocation bar and can navigate to prepare work order, reallocate a resource for the work order, transfer to mobile, clear allocation and to change the status of the work order.

Printing: There is also an option to print the Search Result by selecting right mouse button "Print" on the left hand pane of the Resource Monitoring Gantt.

Activity Diagrams

Allocation and Monitoring


Monitor Resources
Reallocate Resources