Use this window and its tabs to register, view or modify shop visit information for the selected customer. If necessary information, such as, an agreement with the customer exists, you can use the Create Work, Dispatch and Receive Order wizard to create a work order for the overhaul object's structure. This wizard can be opened by using the right mouse button option Create Work, Dispatch and Receive Order.
Click on the relevant tabs in this window, i.e., Current WO's, Historical WO's, Current CO's, and Historical CO's, to view information on ongoing and historical work orders/customer orders for the selected customer.
For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Visit Defaults, Current WO's, Current CO's, Closed CO's, Complex Assembly Service Contracts, Historical WO's.
Manage MRO Shop Visit Information
Create Work Order for MRO Shop Visit
Create Dispatch Order
for MRO Shop Visit
Create MRO
Object Receive Order for MRO Shop Visit