Preliminary Conformance Log
MRO Interim Order Structure/Prelim. Conformance Log
MRO Shop Order/Prelim. Conformance Log

[About Off Logs and On Logs] [To Execute Work Scope]


Use this window or tab to view information on generated log entries. These log entries are generated automatically when a preliminary conformance check is run on the assembly shop order. Through the preliminary conformance check the system will verify that the reserved structure/sub-structure is in accordance with given configuration rules. If, for some reason, one or more requirements are not fulfilled, a log entry record is populated in this window [or tab] detailing the substance of the error.

The Preliminary Conformance Log window can be used to obtain an overview of all existing preliminary conformance log records, irrespective of the work order or shop order number.
In the MRO Interim Order Structure/Prelim. Conformance Log tab you can view all preliminary conformance log records generated for shop orders included in a particular work order.
The MRO Shop Order/Prelim. Conformance Log tab can be used to view all preliminary conformance log records generated for a particular shop order.

Activity Diagrams

Reserve and Issue Components


Perform Preliminary Conformance Check