Create Document Text

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Many objects in IFS Applications supports usage of Document Text. Document Texts are printed on the documents related to the object it's connected to. Some objects support Document Texts on header and rows and some on the header only or rows only.

When the text is linked to the header, the text is printed at the bottom of the document. Text that is linked to a separate order line is printed underneath the line in question. It is possible to change or remove a previously entered document text.

When a document text is linked to a header, the Document Text check box on the header is selected. When a document text is linked to the line, the Document Text check box on the line is selected. Observe, however, that check boxes do not always exist.

Figure 1: Example Document Text Customer Order Page


First the record that you are working on must support Document Texts. Not all application objects do so the Document Text functionality is not available in all pages.

For entering a document text in the header:

For entering a document text on the line:

System Effects

The document text is then printed on the documents that you have specified for the output type. The document text is printed at the bottom of the document when it is linked to the header and underneath the line in question when it is linked to the line.



Related Window Descriptions



Entering a document text on the header.

  1. Place the cursor in the header.  Right-click to open the context menu and choose Document Text.
  2. The Document Text dialog box will be opened.
  3. Click New.
  4. Select Output Type by using the List button.
  5. In the Notes column, enter the text to be printed or use the List button to select an existing phrase.
  6. Save and close the window by clicking Save and Close buttons respectively.

Figure: Document Text dialog box.

Entering a document text on the line.

  1. Select the appropriate line on which you want to enter a document text.
  2. Right-click to open the context menu and choose Document Text.
  3. Click New.
  4. Select an output type by using the List button.
  5. In the Notes column, enter the text that will be printed, or use the List button to select an existing phrase.
  6. Save and close the window by clicking Save and Close buttons respectively.

Removing a document text from the header.

  1. Place the cursor in the header. Right-click and click Document Text to open the Document Text dialog box.
  2. Populate to view the existing document texts.
  3. Select the line you want to remove and click on the Remove button.
  4. Save and close the window.

Removing a document text from the line.

  1. Select the proper order line.
  2. Right-click and click Document Text to open the Document Text dialog box.
  3. Populate to view the existing document texts.
  4. Select the line that you want to remove and click on the Remove button.
  5. Save and close the window.