Transfer Transactions


This activity is used to transfer transactions to one of the supported payroll systems. When the data is transferred to the payroll system, the system calculates the salary for the specified period. Attendance transactions and travel expense transactions can be transferred using this activity and it is done using an assistant in three steps. The third step does not appear if you make a transfer to IFS/Payroll (Swedish). If you want to add something to a transaction that is already transferred, you must create a new transaction covering the same period.

If you transfer to an external payroll system, you will create a file with the relevant information that is required by the receiving payroll system. The interface you select for the transfer will determine the layout of the transfer file as well as the type of information that will be included in the transfer file. The available interfaces are ADP Payroll, ADP Shift, PI-Lon, Pol and Svensk Lon. Some information is commonly transferred by all interfaces. Additional information will be included in the transfer file depending on the used interface as detailed below;

You can select the transactions that you want to transfer by specifying the date range of the transactions. When you are transferring travel expenses, by default, the travel start date on the travel expenses is required to be within the specified date range in order to be transferred. If the TRVAUTHDTE company property code is set to YES in the Company Details/Property tab, the authorized date of the travel expenses will be considered for the specified date range instead of the travel start date.

Once the data has been transferred, you can view the transfers in the Payroll Transfers window. You can use the same window to repeat any transfer if you discover an error, e.g., an inaccurate payroll calculation. 


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, a transfer file is created or data is transferred to IFS/Payroll.


Transfer to Payroll

Related Window Descriptions

Transfer to Payroll


  1. Open the Transfer to Payroll dialog box.
  2. Select the Time and Attendance and/or Travel Expense check box depending on the information you want to transfer.
  3. Select the payroll interface that should be used for the transfer in the Interface field. Use the list to select a value.
  4. Click Next to go to the second step.
  5. If required, change the company from which transactions should be transferred using the Company ID field. The current company is selected by default.
  6. Specify the date range to which the required transactions belong using the From Date and To Date fields.
  7. Select a wage class, transfer group, selection group and employee category in the relevant fields using the available lists. Only the transactions relevant to the employees with the specified information will be transferred. Note: This step is possible only if you are transferring attendance transactions.
  8. If you are transferring to IFS/Payroll, click Finish and the transfer is complete.
  9. If you are transferring to another payroll system, click Next to go to the third step.
  10. In the File Name field, browse for a location to save the transfer file and enter a file name.
  11. Click Finish to complete the transfer.

    Note: When the assistant is completed, a dialog appears with the transfer ID. This can be helpful if you want to check your transfer.