Register Training Event Additional Cost


This activity is used to define additional costs related to the training event before its status is changed to Completed. Knowing about such expenses allows to include them into the planning process for the future courses.


In order to perform this activity:


Training Event

Related Window Descriptions

Training Event/Event Cost


  1. Open the Training Event window, navigate to the Event Cost tab.
  2. In the table, add a new record.
  3. In the Cost Category Name field, select the relevant cost category, e.g., Training Materials, Meals, Facility.
  4. In the Course Cost Name field, select a specific cost associated with the course. Choices available are determined by the category selected in the Cost Category Name field.
  5. In the Fee field, enter the price of the item selected in the Course Cost Name field.
  6. In the Currency field, enter the currency for the cost.
  7. Save the information.