Register Detailed Course Information


This activity is used to define detailed information about a specific course.

Course Prerequisite specifies what courses a potential participant must have gone through before attending the course.

Competency Prerequisite defines what competencies a potential participant must have before attending the course.

Knowledge Prerequisite defines what kind of knowledge a potential participant should have before attending the course.

Task Prerequisite specifies a task that you think a potential participant should have completed before attending the course.

Trainer License Prerequisite defines what licenses a trainer should hold to be allowed to conduct the course.

Trainers define which trainers can conduct the course. Trainers are registered in Trainer.

Equipment Requirement defines equipment needed for the course.

Course Syllabus defines the syllabus/agenda for the course.

Course Material specifies material needs for the course.

Course Evaluation identifies specific questions that should be used to evaluate the course. General questions used by more than this course is normally defined in the evaluation template.

Competency Obtained defines the competency level that participants will acquire from the training course. It will later be used to update the employee's competency when the employee has completed the course successfully.

License Obtained defines the Licenses that participants will acquire from the training course. It will later be used to update the employee's licenses when the employee has completed the course successfully.


In order to perform this activity:

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Course Specification

Related Window Descriptions

Course Specification/Course Prerequisite
Course Specification/Competency Prerequisite
Course Specification/Knowledge Prerequisite
Course Specification/Trainer License Requirement
Course Specification/Equipment Requirement
Course Specification/Trainers
Course Specification/Course Syllabus
Course Specification/Course Material
Course Specification/Course Evaluation
Course Specification/Task Prerequisite
Course Specification/Competency Obtained
Course Specification/License Obtained


  1. Open the Course Specification window. Search or populate to find the required course.
  2. Go to the Course Prerequisite tab and create a new record.
  3. In the Course ID field enter the required course. Use the list of values to select a predefined course.
  4. Save the information.
  5. Go to the Competency Prerequisite tab and create a new record.
  6. Enter a predefined value in the Competency Group field.
  7. Also specify the required competency element and the level of competence in the Competency Element Name and Competency Level fields.
  8. Save the information.
  9. Go to the Knowledge Prerequisite tab and create a new record.
  10. Describe the knowledge required for the course in the Background Knowledge field.
  11. Save the information.
  12. Go to the Task Prerequisite tab and create a new record.
  13. Describe the tasks required for the course in the Required Task field.
  14. Save the information.
  15. Go to the Trainer License Requirement tab and create a new record.
  16. Enter a predefined license in the License Name field. Use the list to select the licenses required by the trainer for the training course.
  17. Save the information.
  18. Go to the Trainers tab and create a new record.
  19. Enter the person ID of the trainer in the Person ID field. Use the list of values to find the required trainers.
  20. Save the information.
  21. Go to the Equipment Requirement tab and create a new record.
  22. Enter the ID of the required training equipment in the Training Equipment ID field. Use the list of values to select a predefined training equipment.
  23. Specify whether the equipment is required for the training event in general, the trainer or the training participant by entering the required option in the Quantity Unit field.
  24. In the Quantity field, specify the quantity of the equipment required.
  25. Go to the Course Syllabus tab and create a new record.
  26. In the Course Day field specify the day of the course for which you want to define the syllabus. E.g. If the course duration is 5 days, you can define a course syllabus for all 5 days separately.
  27. In the table, create a new record.
  28. Enter the start and end time for the first item in the syllabus in the Start Time and End Time fields. Also, specify the description of this item in the Description field.
  29. Repeat the step to enter details of all the items in the syllabus.
  30. Save the information.
  31. Go to the Course Material tab and create a new record.
  32. Enter an ID and name for the material in the Course Material ID and Course Material Name fields respectively.
  33. Specify the category of the material in the Course Material Category field. Select a predefined value using the list.
  34. Specify the language of the material in the Language field. Use the list to select a value.
  35. Save the information.
  36. Go to the Course Evaluation tab and create a new record.
  37. Specify a question that should be used for evaluating the training course in the Evaluation Question Text field.  Use the list of values to select predefined evaluation questions. Note: The Training Evaluation Category will show whether the question you select is used for evaluating the training participant or the trainer. Therefore, you must select separate questions for evaluating the trainer and training participant.
  38. Save the information.
  39. Go to the Competency Obtained tab and create a new record.
  40. Specify the competency group, the competency element and the level of competence in the relevant fields. Select the required options using the list of values. Note: These are the competency specifications that will be acquired by the participants when they pass the training course.
  41. If it is mandatory that a participant should follow and pass this training course in order to acquire this competency level, select the Course is Mandatory check box.
  42. Save the information.
  43. Go to the License Obtained tab and create a new record.
  44. Specify the required license in the License Name field. Select an option using the list of values. Note: These are the licenses that will be acquired by the participants when they pass the training course.
  45. Save the information.