Order- Supplier Statement of Account Report


This activity is used to view or print the supplier statement of account. The supplier statement of account report contains all open (unpaid) supplier transactions of the company, as at the date for which the statement was ordered. The supplier statement of account report can also be used as a supplier confirmation statement by using the confirmation statement template connected to the supplier to generate the report.


In order to perform this activity, records of transactions which have taken place between the company and it's suppliers during the time period specified in the Order Reports dialog box must exist in the system.

System Effects

Confirmation Statement Template System Effect
Used The supplier confirmation statement report will be generated for suppliers for whom a confirmation statement template is specified in the Supplier/Payment tab window. This report consists of two copies of the supplier statement of account report.
Not used The supplier statement of account report will be generated for all the suppliers with whom the company has carried out transactions during the time period specified in the Order Reports dialog box.


Order Reports

Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Order Reports dialog box and select Supplier Statement of Account for the Report field from the list.
  2. In the Selection tab, the name of the company appears by default. Change the company if necessary.
  3. In the Selection Based On field select Document Date if you want transactions to be reported according to invoice/payment date, or select Voucher Date if you want transactions to be reported according to voucher date. Voucher Date is selected by default.
  4. Enter an appropriate value in the To Date field, or enter values in the To Year and To Period fields to include only transactions that occurred up to a certain date or transactions that occurred up to the end of a certain year/period. (Note: The system date will appear in the To Date field by default. You cannot enter values in all three fields at the same time, unless the date in the To Date field is the last date in the year/period specified in the To Year/To Period fields).
  5. Specify a range of suppliers for whom the report should be generated by entering appropriate values in the From Supplier and To Supplier: fields. Leave these fields blank if you want to generate the report for all the suppliers.
  6. If you want to include only transactions that took place with a particular supplier group to be included in the report, enter the ID of the relevant supplier group in the Supplier Group field.
  7. If you want only transactions in a particular currency to be included in the report, enter that currency in the Currency field.
  8. Enter appropriate values in the Days of Ageing Period 1, Days of Ageing Period 2 and Days of Ageing Period 3 fields.
  9. In the Advance Invoices field, select a value from the list to indicate whether advance invoices should be included in the report. If Include is selected, advance invoices, as well as other ledger items will be included in the report. If Exclude is selected, advance invoices will be excluded from the report. If Only is selected, advance invoices will be included in the report, but all other invoice ledger items will be excluded.
  10. Select Yes in the Exclude Advance Payments field if you want advance payments to be excluded from the report.
  11. Select Yes in the Exclude Payments on Account field if you want payments on account to be excluded from the report.
  12. Select Yes from the list for the Exclude Open Pay Documents field if you want to exclude open payment documents from the report.
  13. Select Yes from the list for the Include Supplier with No Open Items field if you want to include suppliers that do not have open ledger items.
  14. Select Yes from the list for the Include Connected Customers field if you want to include the transactions carried out with any customer who has the same association as any supplier for whom the report is generated.
  15. Select Yes from the list for the Use Confirmation Statement Template field if you want to use the statement of account report as a supplier confirmation statement.
  16. Select Yes from the list for the Print Separate Debit and Credit Amounts: field if you want the debit amounts and the credit amounts resulting from the transactions included in the report to be separately disclosed.
  17. Specify whether the transactions included in the report should be sorted based on  the document date or the document number by selecting the appropriate value for the Sort Order field.
  18. Click OK to close the dialog box.