Use this activity to enter general information about supplier payments. Values for cash account and cash currency should be stated. General information to be entered includes payment date, voucher date, user group, voucher type, cash currency, and amount. If bank fee is debited, details of payment fees are entered. You can enter payment currencies other than the company's accounting currency and exchange rates other than proposed. Details, such as date and user group, are also handled in this activity.
The bank fee can be entered in the payment and accounting currencies if the two are different. In IFS/Accounting Rules/Posting Rules/Posting Control, you can enter how the companys bank fees are to be automatically posted. The same posting rule is used for the bank fee in both currencies if they differ.
General basic data and supplier must exist. For an invoice to be included in a manual payment process, the invoice must already be Authorized for Payment.
When invoices related to more than one company are paid, this activity requires that PP22 and Control Type - company is set up in IFS/Accounting Rules/Posting Control, for the company whose invoices are being paid by another company. PP23 and Control Type - company must be set up for the company who is paying the other company's invoices. Before you start entering payments, check that the actual cash account exists in the system.
There are no system effects until the information in the Transaction tab of Supplier Payment is saved.
To enter a new payment: