Approve Supplier Payment


This activity is used to approve a supplier payment. The purpose of this activity is to confirm the payment and create the required vouchers.


In order to perform this activity, a supplier payment of the Not Approved status should exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the following system effects would take place:


Supplier Payment

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Payment
Create Voucher


To approve a supplier payment:

  1. Open the Supplier Payment window and search for the supplier payment you want to approve.
  2. Right-click in the background of the window and then click Approve. The Create Voucher dialog box will appear displaying information of the voucher to be created.
  3. Modify the voucher date, user group and/or the voucher type displayed in the Create Voucher dialog box if required and click OK. The Message dialog box will appear displaying information of the new payment created
  4. Click OK.