Order Tax Purchases (Detailed) Report


This activity is used to print the Tax Purchases (Detailed) report. Details of supplier transactions for which tax is calculated are printed in this report.


In order to perform this activity, at least one supplier transaction for which tax is calculated must exist for the company.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the report is either printed on paper or displayed on screen.


Order Reports

Related Window Descriptions



  1. Open the Order Reports window.
  2. Select Tax Purchases (Detailed) from the list for the Report field.
  3. Enter the ID of the company for which you want to print the report in the Company field.
  4. Enter the tax proposal that the report should be based on in the Proposal ID field. The List of Values can be used to select the tax proposal.
  5. If you want the report to include only transactions of which the tax code used belongs to a particular sub group, enter the ID of that sub group in the Subgroup ID field.
  6. Select Yes for the Group by Tax Code Subgroup field if you want the transactions printed in the report to be grouped by the subgroups to which the tax codes used belong.
  7. Select Yes for the Group by Tax Code field if you want the transactions printed in the report to be grouped by the different tax codes used.
  8. In the Sort Order field, select a value from the list to specify a sort order for the report.
  9. Select Yes for the Report With Details field if you want detailed information relating to the transactions to be included in the report.
  10. In the Totals According to Tax Code Subgroup field, enter the place in the report that you want the totals according to tax code sub group printed. An appropriate value can be selected from the list.
  11. Select Yes for the Totals According to Tax Code field if you want the total amounts resulting from each tax code used to be printed in the report.
  12. Select Yes for the Totals According to Sort Order field if you want the totals according to sort order to be printed in the report.
  13. Click OK to print the report.