Report Work Centre Operation/Subcontract

[About Subcontracting] [About Pick List]

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Manufacturing]


Use this tab to handle outside operations processing on subcontract operations per work center. Most functions in this tab window are activities normally handled by IFS/Purchasing. In this tab window, you can study all events that were reported for subcontracting the shop order.  

Note: When IFS/Purchasing is installed, the Subcontract tab appears last in the Report Work Center Operation window. If IFS/Purchasing is not installed, this tab is not visible in the Report Work Center Operation window.


Activity Diagrams

Create shop order
Report operations


Release outside operation
Print outside operation pick list
Ship WIP to supplier
Print Outside Operation Delivery Note
Reverse WIP shipment

Note: All of the activities listed above, with the exception of Report Scrapping for Subcontracting Operation, are only available if IFS/Purchasing is installed. If IFS/Purchasing is not installed, then Report Scrapping for Subcontracting Operation is available.