
[About Shop Floor Reporting] [About Document and Media Handling in Shop Floor Workbench]

[To Manufacturing]


Use this tab to view all employees and teams assigned to the selected operation. For each employee assigned to the operation Employee ID, Employee Name, Labor Class, Assigned to Setup, Assigned to Run Time and Competency Profile Fulfilled will be displayed. For each team assigned to the operation Team ID, Team Name, Assigned to Setup and Assigned to Run Time will be displayed. Note that the value of Competency Profile Fulfilled has no meaning for assigned teams and it is applicable only for employee assignments.

It is not possible to add, remove or change assignments from this tab. If updates are required, it has to be performed by using Assign Employee/Team To Operation dialog box available from the Shop Floor Workbench window or the Shop Order/Operation tab.

Note: Employees or teams assigned to an operation is just a suggestion of who needs to perform the work and it is not a mandatory parameter. For example, it is possible for other employees or teams who are not assignees for a particular task to report time on the operations of that task without any restrictions.

Activity Diagrams

Report manufacturing from shop floor
