Reserve Shipment Lines


This activity is used to reserve the shipment lines i.e. the quantities from order lines connected to the shipment. The quantity of an order line can be connected to several shipments in parallel in order to handle a limited transport capacity, a backorder situation where you want to prepare the next delivery in advance, a customer requiring a certain delivery schedule etc. You can reserve this quantity on the shipment lines either manually or automatically. Reserving the shipment lines manually means that you decide how many parts will be reserved. You can also choose from which inventory location the parts will be picked, regardless of what is stated in the customer order. As manual reservation is done online, you can ensure that the parts are available and reserved immediately. However, you cannot reserve more parts than stated in the shipment line. Reservations may be changed at any time until a pick list has been generated. Apart from making a manual reservation, you can also un-reserve or change the reservation for parts already reserved. 

The automatic reservation on the other hand will enable you to reserve many lines at the same time either per shipment or per shipment connected to a consolidated shipment. When reserving automatically, it will try to reserve the quantity from the inventory location with the earliest expiration date or the earliest receipt date. When reserving many lines at the same time, the system automatically reserves a number of parts as compared to manual reservation where you decide how many parts to reserve. A consolidated shipment is defined as a single departure of several shipments from the specified site, to all the delivery addresses of the connected shipments. When reserving from the consolidated shipment, it will be like reserving per shipment but for all connected shipments. The connected shipments will be reserved in load sequence order to prepare what is next to be loaded first.

Note that shipment lines will also be reserved when you do the reservation for the order in the order flow.


System Effects


Shipment Lines
Consolidated Shipment
Consolidated Shipments

Related Window Descriptions

Shipment/Shipment Lines

Shipment Lines
Consolidated Shipment
Consolidated Shipments


To reserve all the connected order lines:

  1. Open the Shipment window or the Shipments window.
  2. Retrieve the shipment for which you want to reserve all the shipment lines, by using the Populate or Query function.
  3. Right-click and then click Reserve.

To reserve all connected order lines, for all shipments connected to a consolidated shipment:

  1. Open the Consolidated Shipment window or the Consolidated Shipments window.
  2. Retrieve the consolidated shipment for which you want to reserve all the shipment lines of all connected shipments, by using the Populate or Query function.
  3. Right-click and then click Reserve.

To perform manual reservation of the connected order lines:

  1. Open the Shipment window  or the Shipment Lines window.
  2. Retrieve the shipment for which you want to reserve the connected shipment lines manually, by using the Populate or Query function.
  3. If you do this in the Shipment window , click on the Shipment Lines tab to view all the shipment lines that are connected to the shipment.
  4. Mark the shipment line for which you want to perform manual reservation.
  5. Right-click on the marked shipment line and then click Manual Reservations.
  6. To reserve single-handled parts, click on the Single tab, select the line on which the appropriate location is displayed.
  7. Enter the quantity to be reserved in the Qty Reserved field.
  8. To reserve pallet-handled parts, click on the Pallet tab, select the pallet you want to reserve.
  9. Click Save to complete the reservation.