Close Customer Order


Use this function to close a customer order. The function can be used when you have partially delivered an order on which you do not intend to have a final delivery. You also can use this function if you have pick-reported fewer parts than ordered and you do not intend to pick and deliver the remaining parts. In this way, the order will not receive the Partially Delivered status. Instead, when delivering, the order receives the Delivered status. The function can also be used if the order is only in Released status, but stage billing is used and there exists invoiced stage billing stages. In this situation the customer order cannot be canceled, but instead by using the close option the order will receive Invoiced/Closed status. You can also close a single order line.

Note that rental lines cannot be closed if there are open rental events created for the closed quantity.

You can close an entire order from the Customer Order window.

You can close an order line from the Customer Order/Order Lines tab, Customer Order/Rental Order Lines tab or the Package Structure window.


System Effects

Closing a customer order:

Closing a customer order line:

Closing a customer order with invoiced stage billing:

Closing a customer order line with invoiced stage billing:

General effects:


Customer Order

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Order
Customer Order/Order Lines
Customer Order/Rental Order Lines
Package Structure


Close an entire order:

  1. Use the Populate or Query function to display the appropriate order.
  2. Right-click on the upper part of the window and then click Close Order. Click OK in the dialog box that appears.

Close an order line:

  1. Use the Populate or Query function to display the appropriate order.
  2. Mark the order line in question. Right-click in the lower part of the window and then click Close Order Line. Click OK in the dialog box that appears.