Create Shipment


This activity is used to create a shipment. The shipment will be the base for connecting customer order lines to the shipment, creating package structures, creating delivery notes, creating shipping documents as well as sending a dispatch advice to the customer. All this will eventually be connected to the shipment ID. You should note however, that a shipment can only have one delivery address.


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a shipment ID will be created. 



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a site or use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  3. Enter a deliver-to-customer ID or use the List of Values to select a suitable value. The name of the deliver-to-customer appears automatically.
  4. Save when completed.

Note: Alternatively, you can also automatically create a shipment when an order is released or when the pick-list is created. However, this is only possible if the order line has the Shipment Creation option as At Order Release or At Pick List Creation and there is no applicable shipment to connect to. The Shipment Creation option is defaulted from the shipment type of the order line. The value for the Use Price Incl Tax check box of automatically created shipments on the Shipment/General tab, is fetched from the Customer Order/Misc Order Info tab.

Note: Alternatively, you can also create shipment when connecting order lines to shipments via the Order Lines Available for Shipments window. In the first place each line is connected to an existing appropriate shipment (e.g., shipment status, customer, ship-via, delivery address must be correct), otherwise a new shipment is created and the line is connected to that shipment.