Enter or Modify the Serial Structure


This activity is used to build all the levels (except the topmost level) of a serial structure. A serial structure is normally built by creating the topmost level and then either importing the template structure or copying a serial structure. If the serial structure is not copied or imported, you can build the serial structure by creating all serials separately and then connecting them into a structure. In this case a combination of activities, such as, creating a serial and installing a part or serial can be used. However, if the parent serial (i.e., the serial displayed in the header of the Serial Structure Information window) is in the Planned For Operation status, you can create new serials and connect these serials or existing serials directly into the structure in the Consist Of tab. This is simpler than having to create the serials separately and then using different right mouse button options to connect the serials into the structure.

When a new serial is created, the next level of the serial structure is created automatically with empty structure positions. Empty structure positions, also called Not Installed structure positions, refer to the structure positions where expected serials or parts are missing from the serial structure. The number of empty structure positions being created in each serial structure will correspond to the quantity of the structure position in the template structure, if the structure position contains a serialized part. For example, if a new structure position with a quantity of 4 is added to the serialized part A, four empty or not installed structure positions will be created in the corresponding serial structure. Once a serial is installed in an empty structure position, the position becomes installed and the next level of the structure will be created automatically with empty structure positions. Following is a list of fields for which data appears automatically at the creation of an empty structure position:

When you are copying a serial structure or importing a template structure, the system will first remove these empty structure positions and then perform the copy or import. However, if you have entered serial information into an empty structure position, the position becomes installed and you will no longer be allowed to perform a copy or import. If a copy or import is required to be done, you need to first disconnect this structure position, i.e., through a part or serial removal, and make sure there are no structural items connected to the new serial before you can use the Copy Serial Structure or Import Template Structure functions.

Whether a structure position is installed or not can be identified by the value in the Item Installed check box. If this check box is selected, a serial exists in the structure position and this position is considered an installed structure position. If the check box is not selected, a serial does not exist in the structure position and it is considered an empty structure position.   

If serial numbers have not been generated automatically, it must be entered on each serialized part in the serial structure.

You are allowed to install both prime parts or valid alternates when building a new serial structure, provided that the operational status of the structure was not changed from Planned For Operation. Once the operational status of the structure is changed from Planned For Operation, rules of interchangeability will be applied and you will no longer be allowed to install alternate parts that do not meet the validations for interchangeability of alternate parts. An exception to this rule is when you have a new serial structure that is either In Operation or Out Of Operation, but where no parts are installed after a structure change was performed.

This activity holds all the configuration validations of the serial structure that is performed against the serial structure template. All operations performed against a serial structure (Install, Replace, etc.) will always go through these common validations. The validations are performed as described below:


Prerequisites for building a serial structure:

Prerequisites for modifying a serial structure:

General prerequisites:

System Effects


Serial Structure Information
Serial Structures

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Structure Information
Serial Structure Information/Consist Of
Serial Structure Information/Multilevel
Serial Structures


Enter or modify the serial structure:

  1. Open the Serial Structure Information window or the Serial Structures window.
  2. Query (F3) for the necessary serial. If you are using the Serial Structure Information window, click either the Consist Of or Multilevel tab.
  3. Select a part, and locate the Serial Number field. If the required serial is predefined it will be displayed in the List of Values. If not, create the serial by entering the correct serial number in this field.
  4. Enter the maintenance group for the serial in the Maintenance Group field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  5. Enter a workshop in the Workshop Code field. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  6. Enter manufacturer information for the serial in the Manufacturer No and Mfr's Part No fields. Use the List of Values in the relevant fields to select a valid value.
  7. Save the information (F12).

Copy data from a template structure to the next level of a serial structure. This will handle only one level of a serial structure.

  1. Open the Serial Structures window and query (F3) for the serial part to which you want to copy a template structure.
  2. Right-click and click Copy Template Structure (One Level).