Reset File Status


This activity is used to reset the file status of a document which is lodged in the Operation in Progress status, back to a usable status. A document gets the Operation in Progress file status during a file transfer (check in or check out), to stop other users from accessing the file. After the transfer is done, the document file will receive the Checked Out or Checked In status, depending on the operation that was executed. A file could be lodged in the Operation in Progress status in very rare occasions, if an error or other exceptional event occurs during transfer.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the status of the file will be reset to a usable state from the Operation in Progress status. If a file exists in the repository, the file will receive the Checked In status. If not, the file reference will be removed.


Document Revision
Document Revisions

Related Window Descriptions

Document Revision
Document Revisions


  1. Open the Document Revision window or Document Revisions window.
  2. Query for the document file which you need to reset.
  3. Right-click and click File Operations and then Reset File Status. (If using the Document Revisions window, you must first select the document row.)