Document Management Search Domains

A search is conducted when you need to find a particular word or set of words within IFS/Document Management search domains. Three main search domains are used: Document Attributes, Document Contents and Document Object Connections.

Search is performed by entering the search string in the Enterprise Application Search search box, selecting the search domain you want (Document Attributes, Document Object Connections or Document Contents) from the indexed locations (by clicking on the half arrow next to the search box), and pressing Enter.

Click the half arrow next to the Enterprise Application Search search box and then click Search Tips to view the document attributes that will be searched for the selected search domain.

Document Attributes

Selected field values of the documents will be searched.

Document Contents

Searches the content of the document files. For example, if a WORD document is checked in as the document file, each page of this document will be scanned.

The prerequisites specific to the Document Content Search are:

Document Object Connections

Searches for documents with object connections that either has the search string in its keys or the title or where any of the object specific fields contain this string (key reference, the LU name or the object's description). Documents without object connections will not be found using this search domain. Some document fields will also be searched.