Pick Quotation Lines from Sales Quotation Template


When quotation lines are added on a sales quotation, you can use a sales quotation template. There are seven different ways to use templates in the system. The user can choose to obtain the suggested quotation lines:


System Effects

Quotation lines are selected from the template and are added to the sales quotation.


Sales Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Quotation
Sales Quotation/Quotation Lines
Sales Quotation Template


  1. Populate or query for the sales quotation header.
  2. Choose Sales Quotation Template... in the operations menu. The Sales Quotation Template dialog box will be displayed.
  3. In the Method group box, choose the appropriate way to select quotation lines. If Order No or Quotation No is chosen, enter a specific order or quotation by using the list button.
  4. Select the lines by using the Populate button. Now it is possible to adjust the quantities.
  5. Click OK; the quotation lines are added to the sales quotation.