Enter Periodic Settlement Lines


This activity can be used to enter periodic settlement agreement lines. A period settlement line specifies the rebate percentage which is a flat rate, for a rebate type in the rebate agreement.

When defining periodic settlement agreement lines, it is possible to specify the level of the hierarchy it applies to.  A periodic settlement line entered with a later valid from date will override, the periodic settlement lines entered for the same rebate group (or assortment node), Rebate Type and hierarchy level after the date specified.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects


Rebate Agreement 

Related Window Descriptions

Rebate Agreement
Rebate Agreement/Deal per Rebate Group
Rebate Agreement/Deal per Assortment


  1. Open the Rebate Agreement window and query for the required rebate agreement.
  2. If working with rebate groups, click the Deal per Rebate Group tab and if working with assortments, click the Deal per Assortment tab. 
  3. Select the top part of the tab and click New.
  4. Enter or select from the List of Values a rebate group or an assortment node according to the tab you are in.
  5. Enter the date on which the periodic settlement line becomes valid.
  6. Enter or select from the List of Values a rebate type.
  7. Specify the rebate percentage for the entered rebate type as flat rebate percentage.
  8. Specify the rebate cost percentage for the entered rebate type.
  9. When working with customer hierarchies, enter or select from the List of Values the hierarchy level that the periodic settlement agreement line becomes valid for.
  10. Repeat steps 3 to 9 for all periodic settlement agreement lines in the rebate agreement.
  11. Save when completed.