Enter Final Settlement Lines


This activity is used to enter final settlement agreement lines for each rebate group/assortment in the rebate agreement. These lines specifies the rebate percentages that are applicable for different levels of actual sales volume. At the end of the specified final settlement period, a comparison is done, and if the actual sales volume is larger than the estimated sales volume, a higher rebate percentage, as specified here, is applied and a final settlement is made to the customer.


System Effects


Rebate Agreement

Related Window Descriptions

Rebate Agreement
Rebate Agreement/Deal per Rebate Group
Rebate Agreement/Deal per Assortment


  1. Open the Rebate Agreement window and query for the required rebate agreement.
  2. If working with rebate groups, click the Deal per Rebate Group tab and if working with assortments, click the Deal per Assortment tab. 
  3. Select the required periodic settlement line from the top part of the tab.
  4. Select the bottom part of the tab and click New.
  5. Enter the minimum sales volume and the rebate percentage to be applied up to that sales volume.
  6. Repeat step 4 for each final settlement agreement line, by entering the minimum sales values and relevant rebate percentages.
  7. Save when completed.

Note: The final settlement entered per periodic settlement line with the latest valid from date within the period of final settlement will be valid when running the final settlement job.