Enter Competitor to Quotation Line


A sales quotation may have one or more competitors entered. When quotation lines are added after this, they will get the competitor lines copied to them. However, the competitor information for a quotation line can be changed so that there may be different competitors for different quotation lines. The Competitors dialog box for changing the competitor on a quotation line is opened by right-clicking the line in question. The information on competitors for a quotation line is entered and viewed in the lower part of the window.


System Effects

As a result of this entry, a competitor is added on the quotation line.


Sales Quotation
Sales Quotation Lines

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Quotation
Sales Quotation/Quotation Lines
Sales Quotation Lines


  1. Select or query for the appropriate sales quotation in the Sales Quotation window (choose the Sales Quotation/Quotation Lines tab) or the Sales Quotation Lines window.
  2. Right-click on the quotation line and then click Competitors.
  3. On the dialog box that appears, click New.
  4. Enter the ID for the competitor in the Competitor ID field or select from the List of Values. The competitor name is automatically retrieved.
  5. Enter the ID for the competitive reason in the Competitive ID field or select one from the List of Values. The description of the competitive reason is retrieved.
  6. Optionally, enter a short note in the Note field.
  7. Optionally, change the main competitor by unselecting and selecting the check box in the Main Competitor field.
  8. Save your changes.