Connect Salesman as Commission Receiver / Connect Supplier as Commission Receiver


A commission receiver is a company or person who is entitled to receive commissions on sales to a certain customer. A commission receiver can be either internal or external.


System Effects

The salesman or the supplier is connected to a commission receiver, i.e. the system will allow commission calculations for the entered receivers.
The information will be default values when entering a customer order for the specific customer.



Related Window Descriptions

Customer/Order/Commission Receiver


If you want to use an internal salesperson as commission receiver (alternative 1):

  1. Select the Customer/Order/General tab.
  2. Enter the sales representative who will receive commissions in the Salesman field. Do this either manually or by using the List of Values.
  3. Select the Commission Receiver check box.
  4. Save.

If you want to use an internal salesperson as commission receiver (alternative 2):

  1. Select the Customer/Order/Commission Receiver tab.
  2. Select New.
  3. Enter the code for the commission receiver with a sales representative connected either manually or by using the List of Values.
  4. If more than one sales representative will receive a commission, repeat steps 2 and 3 for each additional commission receiver.
  5. Save.

If you want to use an external company as commission receiver:

  1. Select the Customer/Order/Commission Receiver tab.
  2. Select New.
  3. Enter the code for the commission receiver either manually or by using the List of Values.
  4. If more than one company will receive a commission, repeat steps 2 and 3 for each additional commission receiver.
  5. Save.