Define Tax Calculation Basis


You can define the basis of tax calculation in IFS/Sales for a given customer, and in IFS/Purchase for a given supplier. The basis defined for the customer or supplier is used as the default value when creating customer orders or purchase orders for that particular customer or supplier.

The Use Price Incl Tax check box in the Customer and Supplier windows determines the tax calculation basis for each company that you list. The default value of this check box is fetched from the company added. It is possible to change this value if required. When a new customer or supplier is created using a template customer or supplier, the value of this check box is inherited to the new customer or supplier from the template.


System Effects

When creating a new customer order or purchase order, the default tax calculation basis value is fetched from the particular customer or supplier.



Related Window Descriptions



From the Customer window:

  1. Open the Customer window and click the Order/General tab.
  2. In the Tax Calculation Basis area, create a new record.
  3. Enter a value for the company or select one from the List of Values.
  4. The default value defined for the company for the Use Price Incl Tax check box is displayed. Change this value if required.
  5. Save your changes.

From the Supplier window:

  1. Open the Supplier window and click the Purchase/General tab.
  2. In the Tax Calculation Basis area, create a new record.
  3. Enter a value for the company or select one from the List of Values.
  4. The default value defined for the company for the Use Price Incl Tax check box is displayed. Change this value if required.
  5. Save your changes.