Create Refill Order


A refill order is a customer order created to refill the quantity in a consignment stock for a customer.


The combination of customer, delivery address, and sales part must have been set up in Customer Consignment Stock.

System Effects

A customer order is created and acquires status Planned. The order line is created and acquires status Released.


Customer Consignment Stock Consumptions
Customer Consignment Stock

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Consignment Stock Consumptions
Customer Consignment Stock
Create Refill Order
Created Refill Order(s)


  1. Select a line in the Customer Consignment Stock Consumptions window and choose Create Refill Order... in the Operations menu.
  2. Enter the order type for the refill order. It is indicated by default from the customer; however, you can change order type by using List of Values.
  3. Enter the coordinator for your order. The coordinator is automatically filled in if a coordinator is connected to your user ID.
  4. Enter the refill order quantity. The quantity is indicated by default from Customer Consignment Stock; however, you can change it manually.
  5. Select the check box Show Order Lines if you want to view existing open order lines.
  6. Click on the OK button to create the refill order.