Job Opportunity Information



Use this window to display a job opportunity advertisement. An advertisement is created based on the Approved Personnel Requisition function, which is used to attract job applicants to send the application letters. The incoming application letters might not specify to which Job Opportunity they are responding. Hence, it will not be used as the control for the next recruitment processes. It can be used to measure job opportunity effectiveness and cost. The information on Latest Date to Apply can also be used as a time indicator to decline "late" application letters and to start the selection process.

All information on this page is read only. You cannot add, modify, or delete item(s) on this page.

Available functions in action list:

For descriptions of closely related pages, follow the appropriate link:
View job opportunities I have applied for , to view all the job opportunities for which the logged-on employee has applied. This function is available above the header row in the first collapsible block.

Activity Diagrams

Register as Job Candidate