Copy Control Plan


Once a Control Plan - Manufacturing, Control Plan Purchasing, or Control Plan Inventory is in the Active status, you cannot change it. If the Control Plan requires changes, you can make a copy of the Control Plan rather than creating a new one with the same data. 


There must be an existing Control Plan.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a new Control Plan is created, which is a copy of an existing Control Plan. It will have a new revision number and the status Created.


Control Plan - Manufacturing, Control Plan - Purchasing, Control Plan - Inventory

Related Window Descriptions

Control Plan - Manufacturing, Control Plan - Purchasing, Control Plan - Inventory, Copy Control Plan No (Inventory), Copy Control Plan No (Manufacturing), Copy Control Plan No (Purchasing)


  1. Open the Control Plan Manufacturing, Control Plan Purchasing, or Control Plan Inventory that you would like to copy.
  2. Choose Copy Control Plan from the right mouse button menu in the Control Plan header. The appropriate dialog box appears based on the type of Control Plan that you want to copy.
  3. Enter the Phase In and Phase Out Dates for the Control Plan to be created, and then click OK.
  4. Query for the new Control Plan.
  5. If necessary, change the Responsible Person, Ctrl Plan Phase In Date, and Ctrl Plan Phase Out Date fields in the Control Plan header.
  6. If necessary, edit or delete the existing Control Plan lines.
  7. If you need to edit the Routing Operation No for a specific Control Plan line, choose Copy Object from the right mouse button menu for that line. Then choose Paste Object from the right mouse button menu in the Control Plan line section of the copied Control Plan. This allows you to change all non-system generated values for that line.
  8. If necessary, add new Control Plan lines.
  9. If a General Checklist has been created, it is automatically attached to the new Control Plan. If necessary, add specific checklist items. All checklist items must be approved before the Control Plan can become Active.
  10. Approve all Control Plan lines.
  11. If appropriate, activate the Control Plan.