Change Punch Item Status


This activity is used to change the status on the punch item. When a punch item is saved for the first time, the status is set to Open. You will then be able to change the status to Resolved or Canceled, as necessary. The status for resolved punch items can be changed to Closed, Canceled or Reopened, depending on your requirement. Once the status is set to closed you cannot perform any more work or status changed on it. The status for canceled items can be changed to Reopened, if necessary.


The punch item should be in either the Open, Resolved or Canceled statuses.

System Effects

The status of the punch item changes.


Punch List
Punch Items

Related Window Descriptions

Punch List
Punch Items


  1. Open either the Punch List or Punch Items window.
  2. Search for the punch list comprising of the punch item for which you want to change the status. Alternatively on the Punch Items window, search for the punch item for which you want to change the status.
  3. Right-click, click Status and click the required status, from the options available.