Transfer Multi-Company Project Reporting Transactions


This activity is used to transfer the multi-company project reporting transactions of both employee and customer companies to financials. Only the multi-company project transactions, that have the Multi-Company Revenue Reporting Method of the employee company project set to Multi-Company Project reporting Voucher, are selected for the transfer.


Posting Type Name
PRJT9 and PRJT10 Multi-Company Project Reporting Revenue
PRJC7 and PRJC8 Multi-Company Project Personal Cost Reporting Revenue
PRJC11 and PRJC12 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Cost Reporting Revenue
Posting Type Name
PRJT7 and PRJT8 Multi-Company Time Reporting
PRJC5 and PRJC6 Multi-Company Project Personal Costs
PRJC9 and PRJC10 Multi-Company Project Non-Personal Costs

System Effects


Transfer Multi-Company Project Reporting Transactions

Related Window Descriptions

Transfer Multi-Company Project Reporting Transactions


  1. Change the global company to the employee company ID using the Change Global Company dialog box.
  2. Open the Transfer Multi-Company Project Reporting Transactions dialog box and change the voucher type and user group if required. The default voucher type of the user will be suggested.
  3. Enter the customer company ID, voucher type and user group.
  4. In the Date Selection area change the values in the Start Date and To Date fields. All transactions that are eligible for cost accounting between these dates will be submitted to cost accounting.