Register Price Adjustment


Use this function to register Price Adjustments. A Price Adjustment can be used to add or deduct an amount of money, to the internal price or sales price, when making a transaction. The amount can be in the form of a fixed amount, or a percentage of the price. A Price Adjustment can be useful when an agreement of e.g. a discount has been made with a customer, and you dont want to modify your pricelists for that reason.



System Effects

As a result of this entry, Price Adjustments can be used when making a transaction.


Price Adjustment

Related Window Descriptions

Price Adjustment


  1. Select New.
  2. Enter ID and Name of the Price Adjustment.
  3. Specify the percentage and/or a fixed value that will decide by how much you want to increase or decrease the original price. This can be made for the Internal Price as well as the Sales Price.
  4. Select a Sales Currency for the Price Adjustment.
  5. Enter Validity Dates.