Register Material Withdrawal Margin


Use this function to register a margin for making material withdrawals from Inventory

A Material Withdrawal Margin can be used to add or deduct an amount of money to the sales price when making a transaction. The margin is calculated in the form of a percentage addition or deduction to the material cost. 

You can either create a Standard Margin which you can connect to the project in Project/Pricing, or create a Specific Margin for a specific subproject, activity or Report Code. A Specific Margin always overrides a Standard Margin.



System Effects



Margin for Material Withdrawal

Related Window Descriptions

Margin for Material Withdrawal


Standard Margin

  1. Select New
  2. Enter an ID and name for the margin.
  3. Select new in the table window and choose a Report Code from List of Values to which you want connect a margin.
  4. Enter a percentage for this Report Code.
  5. Specify appropriate validity dates.

Specific Margin

  1. Select New.
  2. Select a combination of Project/Subproject/Activity/Report Code to which you want to connect a margin. You can use the wild card symbol '%' to include e.g. all Report Codes on a specific activity.
  3. Enter a percentage for this margin.
  4. Specify appropriate validity dates.