Register Alternative Cost per Project


Use this function to assign project specific alternative costs for employees. The system will use a priority order, where matching specific project info will have the highest priority (i.e. a row with a matching specific project activity will have a higher priority than records which uses a wildcard for the activity). In addition the costs can be assigned to one of the following options:

Costs with higher priority (Prio 1 being the highest), override costs with lower priority.


Before registering Alternative Costs per project, the following must be completed.

System Effects



Employee Alternative Cost

Related Window Descriptions

Employee Alternative Cost/Specific Employee Alternative Cost


  1. Select New.
  2. Enter a value for the Project ID, and optionally also for the Sub Project ID and Activity ID (a '%' can be used as a wildcard for the Sub Project ID and Activity ID columns).
  3. Enter a value in one of the following fields; Category Name, Job ID, Position ID or Employee No.
  4. Enter an Alternative Cost for your selection.
  5. Select validity dates for the selection.
  6. Select Save.