Define Overhead Rules


The application of overheads is based on the rules, which are derived from the defined overheads and criteria. These rules can be drilled down further so that for each overhead criterion, you will be able to define the overhead rules within a validity period. The overhead rules are created in two pane window. In the upper table columns are created dynamically according to the evaluation order of the criteria that was previously defined in overhead criteria.

Each overhead rule identity represents a rule to be applied to the transaction when it is selected, which will result with a calculation of overheads for the transaction. When an overhead rule is selected, further details about it will be displayed in the lower table of the window. You can define overhead values in the lower table where no overlaps for the same overhead is allowed although they can be defined with different dates. The overhead criteria columns will be shown by default if there is an evaluation order and you can hide the unnecessary columns.

Only the Fixed value and Percentage (%) combination can be used with this solution. No other combination of wild card options are supported. You can use the Display only rows valid today right mouse button menu option to view the valid/active rules according to the system date in this window (for both panes).  


System Effects


Overhead Rules

Related Window Descriptions

Overhead Rules


  1. Open the Overhead Rules window and enter a record in upper table or select from the List of Values.
  2. Select the appropriate record on the upper table and use it to create a new record on the lower table.
  3. Enter the overheads and the value with the overhead type.
  4. Save the record.