Handle Changes in PQL


After the RFQ (Request For Quotation) has been created, it is possible to modify the PQL (project Quotation List). Dates and quantities can be modified. All modifications done after an RFQ is created will update the indicators for this.

After  the RFQ is released more checks have to be done:

These checks are done manually with the available right mouse button options.

If any of the indicators are set, you can update the RFQ with these new values by performing the appropriate right mouse button menu option. See Modify RFQ From PQL, and Revalidate RFQ Dates From PQL activities for more information.


System Effects


Project/Quotation List
Project Product/Quotation List (Project Delivery)

Related Window Descriptions

Request For Quotation
Order Quotation Lines
Agreement Quotation Lines
Order Quotation Approval
Agreement Quotation Approval
Supplier Agreement


Check whether documents are changed since RFQ was released.

  1. Available only if RFQ exists and is released.
  2. Select wanted PQL lines and select the Check Document Changed right mouse button menu option .
  3. The Document Changed check box will be checked if anything was changed after RFQ was released.

Check whether characteristics values have changed since RFQ was released.

  1. Available for parts only if RFQ exists and is released.
  2. Select required PQL lines and select the right mouse button menu option Check Characteristics Changed.
  3. The Characteristic Changed check box will be checked if any attributes have been changed or added.
    Exception: If the part revision in PDM Configuration is not released and an attribute has been removed from the characteristics attribute list in Part Catalog, the check box will not be selected.