Indicate Supplier Invoice Consideration Level Site Enter Message Receiver Site Define Planning Networks Planning Network Use Centralized Part Description Site Decide if Negative Value On Hand is Allowed Site Enter Inter-Site Order Defaults Site Enter Customer Order Discount Method Site Enter Customer Order Defaults on Site Site Indicate Inventory Valuation Method Site Refill All Putaway Zones Site Enter Default Coordinator and Buyer for a User Sites per User Connect a Site to a User Sites per User Connect Branch to Site Site Register Counting Difference Limits Site Define Delivery Note No Series Branches Enter a New Site Site Enter Customer Order Pricing Method Site Change Default Site for User Sites per User Enter Shipment Process Parameters Site Enter Default Address for Site Site Create Internal Supplier Site Enter Picking Lead Time Site Indicate Purchase Component Method Site Indicate the Level of Automatic Consolidation Site Define Default Receive Case for Inventory Part Site Create Internal Customer Site Enter Time Zone Offset Site Enter Disposition of Quotation Site Indicate Parameters for Product Structures Site Define Site to Site Supply Chain Parameters Site to Site Supply Chain Parameters Supply Chain Matrix for Site Supplier Customer Define Allowed Demand Sites for Supply Site Site to Site Reservation Setup