Distribute Tasks


This activity is used to distribute pending tasks. Pending tasks can be packaged together to be distributed to a maintenance order. A package of pending tasks can only include tasks for serials within the structure of the selected top serial. The distribution type, workshop code, planned start and finish dates and the requested start and finish dates must be entered before tasks can be distributed. Valid distribution types are Work Order, Simplified Work Order and Execution Logic Structure. The distributed tasks will be executed at the specified workshop.

If the distribution type is set to Simplified Work Order, the task is handled in IFS/VIM (IFS/Vehicle Information Management) although transactions for the task are created automatically in IFS/Work Order Management. These transaction records can be used when you want to track financial transactions and record the consumption of material during a process. If code part information is defined, this information will be retrieved during the process.

If the distribution type is set to Work Order, the task is handled directly in IFS/Work Order Management. A work order is created on the site to which the specified workshop belongs. Predefined operations with material lists and tools and facilities are transferred to the work order. Note: If the serial has a different unit of measure (UoM) at the site on which the work order is created, the system will automatically convert the current material quantity (displayed in IFS/VIM) into the quantity of the UoM on the site. The converted material quantity can be viewed in the Materials tab of the work order. If code part information is defined on the serial, this information is transferred to the work order. All financial transactions are retained on the work order.

The Execution Logic Structure distribution type is used when working with execution logic structures and execution logic order structures.

When distributing tasks, it is possible to create the maintenance order in the Initial Scope Definition status and the corresponding tasks in the Planned In Scope status. To do this, select the Plan Maintenance Order check box. The purpose behind this feature is to facilitate the planning of a maintenance order. If this check box is not selected, the maintenance order and all connected tasks will be created in the Released status, and corresponding work orders will be created automatically.

If pre-posting is required on the work order, code part information must have been defined on the serial. Code part information which consists of the cost center and object will be retrieved from the serial for which the task is distributed, for the applicable company. This information can be viewed in the Pre Posting dialog box. For more information, refer to Code Part Information in IFS/VIM.

If a modification task leading to a part identity change is to be distributed and this modification has the Terminating Action execution type, the assigned and/or affected serial will be renamed automatically once the modification is embodied and will include the new part number and revision. In order to successfully perform the rename of a serial, the new part number and the revision for the serial must have been entered on the modification (i.e., in the Change to Part Number and Change to Part Revision fields). Furthermore, when the modification task (with the Terminating Action execution type) is distributed, the system will perform a check to validate the following information:

A warning message is generated when the new part number is not a valid alternate to the old part number of the serial (when the serial is installed in a structure), and when the maintenance program and manufacturer is not valid for the new part number. You are recommended to read through these messages before continuing with [or canceling] the task distribution. Note: These validations are also performed when a new part number is entered for the assigned/affected part and when the modification is activated.


System Effects


Task Distribution
Task Distribution Components

Related Window Descriptions

Task Distribution
Task Distribution/Pending Tasks

Task Distribution Components

Task Distribution Components/Pending Tasks

Maintenance Order
Prepare Work Order
Task Summary

MRO Shop Order

Maintenance Task Basic Data/Workshop Access


Use the following procedure to distribute a task from the Task Distribution window. You can view the top serials of a structure and the pending tasks for all the serials connected to the structure in this window:

  1. Open the Task Distribution window.
  2. Query (F3) for the top serial for which you want to distribute tasks.
  3. The distribution type Work Order is displayed automatically in the Distribution Type field. Change to a different distribution type if needed.
  4. If a default workshop is assigned to the current user, the workshop ID is displayed automatically in the Workshop Code field. If not, use the List of Values to enter a valid workshop. This will be the workshop responsible for the execution of the work order.
  5. If necessary, you can change the default values in the Planned Start Date, Planned Finish Date, Required Start Date and Required Finish Date fields.
  6. Select the Auto Include Tasks check box if the task should be included automatically on the maintenance order. The task is included automatically if a task for the same serial has been selected manually.
  7. Select or clear the Create WO Structure check box, depending on whether you want to create a top work order equivalent to the maintenance order. Note: This check box is only applicable for tasks of distribution type Work Order.
  8. Select the Plan Maintenance Order check box if you want to create the maintenance order in the Initial Scope Definition status and all connected tasks in the Planned In Scope status.
  9. Select the Auto Finish Order check box if you want to automatically finish the maintenance order. If this check box is selected the status of the maintenance order will be set to Finished when the last task connected to the order is set to either the Finished or Cancelled status.
  10. Click the Pending Tasks tab.
  11. Select the Include Task? check box, for the task(s) you want to include in the work order. 
  12. On the selected task(s), you can enter relevant values in the Department Code and Work Type ID fields. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  13. The Warranty Covered check box is selected if the pending task is of the Serial Repair type and the fault indicates that the warranty is covered. 
  14. Save the record (F12).

Use the following procedure to distribute a task from the Task Distribution Components window. You can view the pending tasks for uninstalled serials for the selected part number in this field.

  1. Open the Task Distribution Components window.
  2. Query (F3) for the part number of the disconnected serial for which you want to distribute tasks.
  3. Continue steps 3 to 14 detailed above.